Tuesday, December 9, 2008

How time flies...

Every night before going to bed, I get everything ready to start the next day. I also kiss my kids goodnight and tell them that I love them. They go to bed every night knowing that I love them and would do anything in this world for them. Last night before they went to bed, me and Shelby sat here and done her letter to Santa. She was sitting here reading everything that was on the screen and told me what to put in the blank spots. She has got to be so smart. When she first started school, I was really worried. She was behind in her class, even though she went to preschool for two years. This year has been completely different. I know she is only in the first grade but she is picking up on words that I didn't think were possible for a first grader to read. She has went from a Level 4 to a Level 10 in her reading. I was so proud of her, when I sat there and watched her test and could see that she wanted to keep going.
Last night she came to me before going to bed and gave me a smile that warmed my heart more than anything in this world. She will say some things that make me laugh and squeeze her so hard that she tells me she can't breathe. She has been begging me for the past couple of days for the Elf on the Shelf elves with the reindeer. Well I am purchasing them today, hopefully they can get here by tomorrow and she will be happy to know that she is being watched over. I have never had so many things thrown at me at Christmas time as I have this year by her. She finds out new things at school and comes home to tell me. She comes home at least once a week telling me that someone has told her there is no Santa. I want my child to believe in Santa as long as possible, that is what makes her a kid. Why these kids find so much laughter in telling other kids that there is no such thing as Santa, Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny and so forth. We celebrate every holiday in our house, to me that makes all of us feel like we are kids again. I am actually getting excited about Christmas now that it is so close. I have been wanting to push it off for the longest time, because we had some financial problems. But then I realized that this was the one time of the year that kids could be kids with no restrictions.
I am so excited to see my girls faces when they see what they got on Christmas morning. They are pretty much getting what they have asked for. I was stressing this year because I did not know what I was going to get them and if I was going to have the money. Well Shelby didn't have that long of a list and I think Santa is going to be very good to her this year. She has never been disappointed and I didn't want to start it now.
Well a lot has happened just since I started writing this blog. I got an email from Shelby's teacher telling me that she was not feeling good and so someone needed to come check her out. I had to call my dad to go get her since I do not have a vehicle. While this was going on, I was in the process of ordering Shelby's elf. Her elf is now ordered and should be here within 2 days. She came home while I was ordering and was so excited to hear that her elf is now on its way.
Well now I am off to take care of a sick baby, trying to get her better before tomorrow. Jason has to have shots in his back tomorrow and it would be nicer if she was at school during all of that. Hope everyone has a great holiday break with school and a great few weeks til we get out. I know I am counting down the days.

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