Saturday, October 25, 2008

It has been too long...

I have been a little behind on posting anything lately. It has been so crazy around here with stuff that is going on. We are getting everything ready for Halloween. That was a mission all by itself. Shelby was not sure on what she was wanting to be this year and we finally got her to decide on an Alabama cheerleader. Haylee is going to be glam in her Cinderella dress. She has known for awhile that she has wanted to be Cinderella, so it was just deciding on which Cinderella dress to actually get.
A few days ago, I got a wild hair and decided to get my hair cut off. I was tired of having the same hair up in a ponytail everyday. I never done anything with it because it was getting too long and was too stringy. So now it is above my shoulders, which I love. And I have added some new colors. I have the red that I love, some blonde streaks, and some black streaks. I was unsure about the black but it looks good with the red, or at least I think so. Well when I got my hair cut, I realized it was past time for the girls to have their hair cut. Haylee was not sure about getting her hair cut, but Shelby was more than ready. We got to the salon, Haylee then decided she was more than ready too. She climb up in the chair and told Tina that she was ready. Haylee looks so freakin cute, her hair is cut right at her shoulders. It is the shortest that she has ever had. Shelby was looking through books while Haylee was getting her hair cut. We finally decided on something that looked like it would go on a soon-to-be 7 year old. She found the cutest hair cut that was cut at the shoulders and layered. I was not sure about my child having layers in her hair. I was not sure how much trouble it would be to fix. Shelby has very thick hair and it knots up so easily. Now I have decided that was the best hair cut that has ever been on Shelby. She looks like a growing girl, and LOVES her hair. So that was our excitement for our hair this week.
I have had some drama happen with my job lately that has had me stressed out beyond belief. As most people know, I started driving a bus after my dad started driving a bus. He was driving a bus at Oak Mountain Middle when I started driving. I realized this was the best job for me since I had children and was not able to work full time and get GREAT benefits for my family. I have been driving a bus for 2 years now, full time. My dad was 6 months away from being tenured, when he was fired from the county because of something a parent complained about. He had no idea it was coming, no warning whatsoever. With us not being tenured, we can get fired over any little thing. They don't really have to have a reason to fire us. Well I am a year short of being tenured. At this same time last year, I went through a lot of problems with my students and their parents. At that time, my job was not a question because the economy was not like it is now. I got my first verbal warning from my boss and we come to find out that this one particular student just didn't like adults. He treated everyone like this and Mrs. Palmer was not going to have me deal with it on the bus, so he was suspended. Well the reason I am telling you all of this is because the past couple of weeks, I have been dealing with another problem on my bus. I wrote up some students for not following the rules and they were suspended off the bus for a couple of days. On the first day after them getting suspended, an anonymous phone call came in to Mrs. Palmer. She was told that I stopped the bus one afternoon, covered the camera, took of my belt on my pants, hit a student with my belt, and then threatened them with the fact that if they told anyone then they would live to regret it. At that point in time, I thought nothing about it. I just thought about it as being a parent mad at me about writing up their child. The following day, a high school student told me that he had heard that same story. So this story was being passed around the school. I have a child that is in 1st grade and I don't need other students coming up to her telling her that her mother is mean and hits other students. I could not imagine what that would do to my daughter. So I went to Mrs. Palmer and told her what had happened with my dad. I told her that I could not lose this job because of a childish parent not making their child mind. She assured me that she would back me up if anything came out of this and she was going to make a phone call to my boss to let him know what was going on. As of right now, nothing else has been said about it. But I still stress about it everyday, I don't know if I will walk into the school to receive a pink slip and there will be nothing I can do about it because I am not tenured. This has been the main stress that has been bothering. I have been watching everything that I do on the bus because I don't know if it will cost me my job. I am grateful for most of my students on the bus though, they have went to Mrs. Palmer and told her that everything that they have heard is not true.
I could not imagine why a parent would say something like that about me. Most of these parents know me because I went to school with them. Why would they want to say something like that, knowing it is not true? I have had my battles with this bus and sometimes wondered if this job was really worth all this trouble. But then I think about the students on my bus that I have no trouble with, that get off the bus in the morning and afternoon and give me a hug and tell me to have a good day. I think about the students that went to Mrs. Palmer on their own to stand up for me. I love those students, they surprise me everyday and makes me thankful that I was able to drive them to and from school. A lot of people don't think that driving a school bus is that much work, but it is the hardest job I have ever had, including being a mother. With my children, I learn from my mistakes and fix them the best that I can. With someone else's children, I have to learn from them.
Well I hope that I have not bored anyone with my drama, but it is just some things that have been on my mind and that I have been dealing with. I am hoping today will be a good day. I plan on spending it with the bestest friends for football Saturday. I owe so much to these friends, and one day I will be able to repay them for everything they have done for me. Also I am hoping to get some pics today of my new hair and the girls new hair. Hopefully I will be posting them soon. Hope everyone has a great weekend and ROLL TIDE!!!

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