Sunday, October 5, 2008

My Baby is 4!!!

Haylee and her pretty birthday cake. This cake was basically the only thing that she really asked for.
Haylee wearing her Birthday tutu that came with the cake. This is the only pic that I got with her wearing it.
She loves her new Barbie dolls, she didn't put them down all night.
I have been through my share of birthdays with myself, my nephews, my parents, and my children. But I think this was the birthday that I was not really ready for. I had been putting it off, thinking it would go away. Haylee is my last child, I am unable to have anymore. I know that she will get older but that does not mean that I have to like it. She was so excited about her birthday. She usually don't care who is here and what is going on. She just normally treats it like any other day. I guess that she just was not at the right age yet. She has been asking all week, when is it going to be her "birfday". When it finally got here, she was so excited. She wanted her cake and her presents. I surprised her and Shelby with getting the space bounce from my uncle and they loved that. They actually had about 2 hours in it by themselves with no one bouncing too high or getting too rough. They loved it.
Now, we did have some problems at the beginning of the day because Shelby wanted to get upset because Haylee was getting stuff but she was not. We basically had to threaten Shelby and let her know that her birthday is next month and she will get stuff then. Once people started getting here, she got better.
I hope that everyone had a great weekend and has a good week. I enjoyed my weekend with my friends and family and watching football. I loved how the day turned out for Haylee's birthday and happy that she enjoyed her birthday so much. Now it is time to start planning Shelby's birthday. She has already picked out her cake and has started picking out presents that she wants. So I guess I need to get a move on it to get some money somewhere so I can take her bowling for her birthday with some friends.
Oh and ROLL TIDE!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww...I am so sorry Jennifer. I know how it is, although next year will definitely be a dosy for you! (go ahead and prepare yourself now)
Such beautiful babies... I am so glad that Haylee enjoyed her birthday.